Mac software
DSP Radio
The best SDR software I have found to use the Fun Cube Dongle Pro+ on my MacBook Air, running Mountain Lion 10.8.2, is DSP Radio available from . Be sure to get version 1.3.7 or later to get support for the Pro+. While there, download the Installation Instructions for the Pro+, follow them to the letter, and you should be up and running in no time. The author is Sebastian Mrozek and I used his Donate button to quantify my gratitude, I encourage everyone to do the same if you use his nice software.
This is all you really need but I have also successfully used Qthid, available from . Again, be sure to get version 4.1 or later for the Pro+. The purpose of this program is not to provide audio. This program only controls some of the more esoteric features of the Pro+ such as controlling the LNA, mixer gain and so on. You can run it at the same time as DSP Radio without problems to immediately hear the effect of these controls, but I found it best to always use DSP Radio to set the center frequency. It's fine if you don't want to bother with Qthid because DSP Radio sets up reasonable defaults for all these internal settings.
73, Elwood, WB0OEW
Tucson AZ USA
The current version of SdrDx, 2.19d, supports both the original FCD and the FCD Plus on the Mac.
SdrDx runs under OSX from 10.6.8 and up. There is also a version for Windows. The windows version also can only go to 48 khz due to limits in the Qt runtime. The Mac version does not have this limitation.
Notes from Ian - G6RHV
After purchasing my FCDP+ today I thought I might pass on my experiences of finding suitable software for the MacBook Pro with Mountain Lion. Apologies if this repeating information already posted on this group or stating the obvious but it may help someone. Not many software packages seem to be available for Mac OSX/Pro+ and some have only very basic GUIs or functions, even then getting them to work properly (or at all) was a bit hit and miss. After a lot of experimentation I found SdrDX 2.12g beta (NOT 2.11) to work extremely well.
My notes;
- Don't worry about the bit referring to editing the '/etc/hosts' file - I didn't and it worked fine for me - I assume this refers to the networking features (??)
- You must use a mouse to use/configure the software, the trackpad alone is not suitable. If using a wired mouse you will need a USB cable extender as the USB sockets on the MacBook Pro are too closely spaced to allow the FCDP+ and a mouse to be plugged in together !!
- Scroll down the page in the link above to post #22, it gives a step by step guide to how to set up SdrDx for the Pro+.
- The FCD button is next to the Blue (centre) frequency display - it took me a while to find it !
So far the software works as expected with no glitches or lock-ups. I hope this is of help to fellow Mac users. Huge thanks to Ben who wrote SdrDx and is obviously a bright bloke if his website is anything to go by.
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