
Introducing the FCD

Page history last edited by Alan 7 years, 7 months ago

Note there are two very different versions with similar names, the older Pro and the newer Pro+ Make sure you know which version you have.


They are both "Plug and play" no drivers require installing. DO NOT APPLY ZADIG this has no uses with the FCD.

What is FUNcube?


The name for an Amsat amateur satellite.


What is the FUNcube Dongle (FCD)?


An SDR USB device built for Amsat, primarily for reception of "Funcube" and other satellites.


What are the differences between FUNcube Dongle, FUNcube Dongle Pro and FUNcube Dongle Pro+?


Funcube Dongle is a name used to describe both versions.

Funcube Dongle Pro is the official name of version 1. It works from about 60MHz and above. 96KHz span.

Funcube Dongle Pro+ is the official name for the version 2 with HF, TCXO and better band filters. 192KHz span. "In our first 20 units, all have covered 150kHz to 260MHz and 410MHz to 2.05GHz."


Updating the firmware


Current firmware versions are:


  • FCDPro Firmware v18j (Recommended current version: fix the filter pre-selection between 868 MHz & 1 GHz)
  • FCDPro+ firmware image v20.03


Do I need to update the firmware?


Before you even think of it make sure you know which version of the FCD you have.

June 2016 The later version the Pro+ is very unlikely to need an upgrade v20.03 was loaded in almost every one sold.


Most older version 1 models will have been upgraded.


As a general point, you should be running the current firmware in case there are bug fixes etc.  However, if your device is working as you wish, there is a good argument which says: "If it works, leave it!".


How do I update the firmware?


The general principle is to download the firmware, run the boot-loader program, set the FCD back into "application" mode, and restart the FCD.  Note: different programs and different firmware are required for the FCDPro and FCDPro+.


Download the original FCDPro firmware here: http://www.funcubedongle.com/?page_id=313

Firmware update guide: http://www.funcubedongle.com/MyImages/FCDFirmwareUpdateGuide.pdf


Download the newer FCDPro+ firmware here: http://www.funcubedongle.com/?page_id=1225

Firmware update manual: http://www.funcubedongle.com/MyImages/FCD2Firmware.pdf




Comments (2)

Owen Gallagher said

at 5:16 am on Jan 25, 2013

Worth adding latest Current firmware?

FCD Firmware v18j (Recommended current version: fix the filter preselection between 868MHz & 1GHz)
FCD+ firmware image v20.03

David-Taylor said

at 5:39 am on Jan 25, 2013

Yes, I've updated the page. If you would like authoring access to improve what I've written, just ask!

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