log inhelp
Updated Roberto Rizzardi's link for more recent information.
Added note on Weather Satellite Reception
Added: Using the FUNcube Dongle PRO+ with CW Skimmer
Added VB Cable
Added note on Apple Mac and Boot Camp.
Fixed Sigi's callsign
Added extra note from "John" on Windpws-7 and RealTek stereomix.
No description entered
Added note on Stereo Mix from Sigi and John.
Added links - 2013-Feb-4 [djt]
Added Sean Gilbert's information on Data Made Reception - 2013-Feb-04 [djt]
Added more information on Stereo Mix - 2013-Jan-25 [djt]
Added pointer to a note from Sigi - 2013-Jan-24 [djt]
Added MAP65/Linrad example - 2013-Jan-14 [djt]
Add information on hidden Stereo Mix function - 2012-Dec-30 [djt]
New page - 2012-Dec-29 [DJT]